Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pa amb tomàquet

Pa amb tomàquet (literally translated as “Bread with Tomato”) represents one of the most traditional and simple Catalan recipes. The best way to prepare it, it is to get some nice bread (not the black Danish stuff ;) and toast it a bit. Then, you should rub some garlic and tomato on top. Finally, it’s seasoned with olive oil and salt.
Pa amb tomàquet can be eaten alone but usually it’s served with some sort of sausage (“embotits” in Catalan) like fuet and xoriço or ham, cheese or anything that fits your taste. This is basically how Catalans prepare a sandwich. Our favorite combo is ham with brie…mmmmhhhh !!!!!!. This dish can be “cooked” for breakfast, lunch or dinner or anytime you feel like a snack ;) DC!

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